Friday, May 20, 2011

15 May 2011: Yoyogi Koen

OK, another sunny weekend, this time I planned few days ahead, going to the Yoyogi Park with a friend. Of course, for taking pictures and relaxing in the afternoon.

Venue: Yoyogi Park in Tokyo, Japan.

Friday, May 13, 2011

8 May 2011: Koinobori & Tokyo Sky Tree

It was another Sunny Sunday and I woke up late.
Really thinking of taking pictures of those carp flyers/streamers for long, they are only available in May (Children's Day) started searching on internet fiercely...and got the followings, closest to my place and can also see The To-Be-Completed Tokyo Sky Tree from there.  .

【交通】東武伊勢崎線「東向島駅」徒歩12分 / 
ケ淵 駅 徒歩5分
【入場】無 料 (駐車場は、ありませんのでご了承下さい)

So at 11ish I was physically at the park...immediately I saw hundreds of those flyers in front of my eyes. Awesome, stunning, overwhelmed I was. I reckon it's not as humongous as those festive ones in Chiba Koen or so, but with this distance from my place, what more could I expect? Plus, I have The Tokyo Sky Tree right here, marvelous!

OK, let's kick if off with some pictures, hope you like them as much as I did!

And now, the Tokyo Sky Tree~

Finally, Stay tuned for more of these in my 365 Project!