Monday, August 8, 2011

29 Jul 2011: Meetings in Hong Kong

I feel lucky today. Not going to talk about things I don't have, instead, I thought about things that I have this morning while on the ride to work.

This time I am coming back for just two weeks, 5 days of which assigned for travelling with family and friends already. And first week am working from the Hong Kong office, so not leaving me too much time for friends. However, lots of friends trying very hard to get in touch, and made efforts to meet, to join dinners, even when they are sick. I understand people always have priorities, and these two weeks I knew  lots of my friends put some high ones on me. Very touched. I might be overstating things here, but magnifying the efforts they put into meeting me really made me feeling happy...very merry.






And, not to mention those who are too busy catching up with me and we totally forgot to take any photos!

Life is so wonderful when you know you have friends and happier even to see them and catchup face-to-face. I like Facebook, but this is different.

I have families and friend in here, in Hong Kong. I also have friends and a job in Tokyo.
Afterall, why do we even bother to think about what we don't have? 
Carpe Diem (Seize the Day)!!

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