Sunday, February 26, 2012


First time since I arrived, I attended a mentor event organized by AWF (Association of Woman in Finance). The speaker is a 26 year-old adventurer - Sarah Outen.

Find out more about her here:

The 1-2-3 parts I recalled the best are:
1. A-B-C essentials of an adventurer mentioned by Sarah.
A - Attitude
B - Believe
C - Courage

2. And I asked, which one is more important for readiness to adventure - Mental or Physical readiness...Answer: Mental. Because when you are mentally ready, your physical fitness will get along gradually, mental strength is unbelievable.

3. Chinese guy - Gao, is courageous enough to just tagged along Sarah across a dessert...not reckless, more of courageous...

So here let's share some pictures of the night, not as good as being there, share...

BIG Bonus for the night - Book written by Sarah autographed!!


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